
The Radio4000 manifest (v1) Berlin, March 13, 2016

Introduction, about humans and algorithms

We, humans, select music according to taste. It makes us dance, smile, think, forget; because we enjoy it or we find it interesting. This is something computers cannot do, even though they gave us the internet.

What is Radio4000

Radio4000 is a music tool and service.

A Tool

A tool to manage your online music

All the links pointing to the music you like, floating around the vast internet, are now stored in one place.

A tool to understand your music discoveries

We want to provide intuitive context to your music history. What genre is it? Which label was it released on and when was it released? Insights all contributing to a more complete overview of your music and perhaps even why you are listening to exactly these.

A Service

A service for and by humans

The musical content on Radio4000 is generated by humans who want to discover and share their music selection. You can give yourself some peace in music digging and listen to the sounds of fellow humans around you. Discover wonderful songs in the context of someone you like the taste of.

What Radio4000 stands for


No artists = no music = no Radio4000. No radios channels with music = no Radio4000. Let’s work on a new viable ecosystem for music.

Your music is public, you are not

Anyone can access your radio channel and listen to your selection — anytime and anywhere. No one needs to know who you are. It is about the music. The data we save about you is what’s in your radio channel. If you choose to leave, we help you export your tracks, what is yours is yours.

Embrace the future

We’re all here to imagine and create a music experience for the year 4000.